• Nove pracovne podmienky

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          • Pokusna novinka

          • Zacali sme pouzivat na skole nove novinky, budeme Vas super pravidlne informovat o tom co sa na skole stalo a co sa este iba stane. 

          • Super zabava

          • Podarilo sa nam nafotit tajnu party sachoveho kruzku

            Vseti sa strasne tesili. Atmosfera bola velmi dobra.

            Bolo to super

          • Bujara oslava 2

          • All jumping involves the application of force against a substrate, which in turn generates a reactive force that propels the jumper away from the substrate. Any solid or liquid capable of producing an opposing force can serve as a substrate, including ground or water. Examples of the latter include dolphins performing traveling jumps, and Indian skitter frogs executing standing jumps from water.

            Jumping organisms are rarely subject to significant aerodynamic forces and, as a result, their jumps are governed by the basic physical laws of ballistic trajectories. Consequently, while a bird may jump into the air to initiate flight, no movement it performs once airborne is considered jumping, as the initial jump conditions no longer dictate its flight path.

            Following the moment of launch (i.e., initial loss of contact with the substrate), a jumper will traverse a parabolic path. The launch angle and initial launch velocity determine the travel distance, duration, and height of the jump. The maximum possible horizontal travel distance occurs at a launch angle of 45 degrees, but any launch angle between 35 and 55 degrees will result in ninety percent of the maximum possible distance.

            Muscles (or other actuators in non-living systems) do physical work, adding kinetic energy to the jumper's body over the course of a jump's propulsive phase. This results in a kinetic energy at launch that is proportional to the square of the jumper's speed. The more work the muscles do, the greater the launch velocity and thus the greater the acceleration and the shorter the time interval of the jump's propulsive phase.

            dog jumping from a stationary position

            Mechanical power (work per unit time) and the distance over which that power is applied (e.g., leg length) are the key determinants of jump distance and height. As a result, many jumping animals have long legs and muscles that are optimized for maximal power according to the force-velocity relationship of muscles. The maximum power output of muscles is limited, however. To circumvent this limitation, many jumping species slowly pre-stretch elastic elements, such as tendons or apodemes, to store work as strain energy. Such elastic elements can release energy at a much higher rate (higher power) than equivalent muscle mass, thus increasing launch energy to levels beyond what muscle alone is capable of.

            A jumper may be either stationary or moving when initiating a jump. In a jump from stationary (i.e., a standing jump), all of the work required to accelerate the body through launch is done in a single movement. In a moving jump or running jump, the jumper introduces additional vertical velocity at launch while conserving as much horizontal momentum as possible. Unlike stationary jumps, in which the jumper's kinetic energy at launch is solely due to the jump movement, moving jumps have a higher energy that results from the inclusion of the horizontal velocity preceding the jump. Consequently, jumpers are able to jump greater distances when starting from a run.

            Pokracujem v pisani textu. uvidime co z toho bude, je to dost vela textu uz tu, dajme nejkau fotku

          • Bujara oslava

          • Ako iste viete isty nemenovany kolega boj minuly tyzden indisponovany. Hladali sme prisiny nepritomnosti a nasim odvaznym reporterom sa podarilo tajne dostat na zakazanu ilegarnu party. Iba u nas uvidite sokujuce zabery zo zivota smotanky medzi ktoru nas kolega patri. Nasledujuce zaberi su iba pre dospelych

            Z uvedenych zaberov je jasne preco bol kolega unaveny. Co uz, vek nepusti ani najvacsich burlivakov po case treba trosku zvolnit tempo.Kolega sa ale tejto rady nedrzal, party stupnovalia a o polnoci prisli aj dievcata, ktore sa ale z neznamych dovodov dlho nedzrali.

            Na party sme nasli aj deti zucastnenych, deti sa bujaro zabavali az do skoreho rana

            V rovnakom case nasi reporteri natocili a nafotili niekolko videi z roboty, kde samozrejme vladla pracovna atmosfera, ludia pracovali a neustale museli odpvedat na dakovne maily plne pochval od zakaznikov.

            Nemenovany kolega neskor bol prichyteny ako party dospava v robote, nasim reporterom sa podarilo ziskat unikatne zabery. V jeho pocitaci sa nasiel zakazany material zo stranky "ako spat v robote": leepiness can catch up with you at any time. It makes you feel groggy, interferes with productivity, and could even be potentially dangerous, especially if you operate heavy machinery or drive home while tired. Many employers frown upon workers sleeping on the job, but some industry leaders are coming around to the benefits of daytime naps. Even if you're not allowed to sleep on the job site, there are still some ways of catching a short nap to recharge and refresh you at work. Aim for an early afternoon nap. Your body is programmed to get tired twice every 24 hours: once in the middle of the night (typically), and once in the middle of the afternoon.[1] Napping too late in the day may affect your ability to get a restful sleep at night, which is another reason why your naps should be timed well during the day.

            It's common to feel most sluggish after lunch, so a lunchtime nap might be ideal for many people.

            Generally, between 1:00 and 4:00 pm is ideal for a nap. The exact time you choose will depend on your work schedule and your need for sleep.


            Find the right place to nap. Some people are fortunate enough to work at a company that offers nap rooms. If your workplace doesn't provide sleep space, you may have to get creative.

            If you have a desk job, you may be able to get away with napping in front of the computer. Pull up a spreadsheet you're working on and try to nap with your hand under your chin.[3]

            You may be able to get away with napping in an unused conference room.[4]However, this may be a bold strategy, and it could risk you getting in trouble if the room is needed.

            Some offices have infirmaries with available beds. Depending on your workplace, you may be able to nap there.[5]

            Look into spas in your area that provide nap rooms to customers. This may be a convenient and ideal situation for you, depending on where you work.


            Get just enough sleep. Napping can be tricky. If you sleep for too long, your body will enter a deeper state of sleep. When this happens, you'll suffer from sleep inertia: waking up feeling more tired and groggy than you were before your nap.[6]

            Short naps lasting about 15 to 30 minutes are best for gaining short-term alertness.[7]

            A brief nap lasting under 30 minutes will not leave you feeling particularly groggy, and it shouldn't interfere with your ability to fall asleep at night.

          • Sdxsdf

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